What are the Different Types of Medical Equipment and Hospital Supplies

Medical tools are necessary if you’re providing in-home care for someone, but they can be extremely expensive. In fact, hospitals spend more on supplies than on anything besides staffing. Hospitals and other medical facilities can negotiate directly with sellers or buy supplies through group purchasing organizations. You don’t have access to those, so you can either:
- Find medical supply stores that sell to the public
- Buy from retailers such as Walgreens, CVS, Walmart, and Amazon
It may be easier for you to buy kits. Many types are available that contain all the supplies you need for specific uses. The use of medical equipment in hospitals and clinics is of the greatest importance. The use of equipment allows medical professionals, like doctors, to assess a patient’s medical needs. As a result, it is important to know what different types of medical equipment are available, the different functions of each, and how they all work coherently together to be able to assist and treat the patient accordingly.
Every day the variety of different types of medical equipment and supplies is expanding. There are many different categories of medical equipment and supplies, but the main categories are electronic, diagnostic, surgical, durable medical equipment (DME), acute care, and storage and transport.
1: Storage and Transport of Hospital Equipment and Supplies
Equipment that is used to store and transfer medical supplies. This equipment is used to bring various medical supplies to patients and medical professionals for differing reasons. The most common types of storage and transport equipment include:
- Case Carts
- Storage Carts
- Utility Carts
2: Durable Medical Equipment
DME is a type of medical equipment that is designed to be durable and provide support for patients safely and comfortably. This type of hospital equipment and supplies is used predominantly for therapeutic reasons and can be used in both hospital and home settings. They are reusable and designed for long-term use. Most durable medical equipment is designed with load-bearing strength and non-slip features.
Common Durable Medical Equipment (DME) include:
- Wheelchairs
- Mobility assistive equipment – walkers, canes, crutches
- Hospital beds
- Ventilators
- Lifts
- Traction Equipment
3: Diagnostic Medical Equipment
Equipment or supplies that are used to diagnose, test, or find patients’ conditions. The equipment is used to detect any abnormalities in the organs or other parts of the body that may be causing the symptoms. Without the diagnostic equipment, medical professionals would not be able to correctly diagnose the patient and provide the correct treatment.
Common diagnostic equipment used in hospitals and clinics are:
- Imaging Machines such as X-Rays, MRI Scans, CT Scans, etc.
- Medical instruments like stethoscopes and thermometers.
4: Electronic Medical Equipment
Electronic Equipment is designed to monitor, and record body functions such as the heartbeat and brain waves. There are various types of electronic hospital equipment and supplies, including:
- Software: Electronic Medical Records, Medical Imaging Software, etc
- Monitors: Heart Rate Monitors, Blood Pressure Monitors, Ultrasound, etc
- Medication Pumps
- Mobile Technology Carts: Mobile Workstations, Computers on Wheels, etc
- Powered Medical Equipment
- Pacemakers
- Defibrillators
5: Surgical Medical Equipment
The success of surgery depends on the accuracy of the surgical equipment and instruments. There are many different types of hospital equipment and supplies used in surgery, each with its own purpose.
The most common surgical equipment and instruments include:
- Surgical Tables
- Utility Tables
- Instrument Tables
- Hampers
- Mayo Stands
- Solution Stands
- Kickbuckets
- Surgical Table Pads
- Leg Supports
- Arm Supports
6: Acute Care
Equipment and Supplies that are used in hospitals and clinics. This type of equipment and supplies are used on a daily basis for patient care and require a medical professional to use.
- General-purpose trays
- Minor procedure trays
- Wound and skincare kits
- Monitoring equipment
- Non-surgical instruments
7: Procedural Medical Equipment
This equipment is medical equipment that is used in any medical procedure and contains a variety of different items. It is used to help assist and make the procedures go more smoothly and easier, for example:
- Surgical clamps
- Scalpels
- Forceps
- Gloves
- Operating Scissors
- Headlights
In June 2021, The Quality Council of India (QCI) and the Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AiMED) added new features to the Indian Certification for Medical Devices (ICMED) Scheme (2016). This new scheme, ICMED Plus, will undertake verification of the quality, safety, and benefits of medical devices and will help agencies to identify counterfeit products and falsified certifications. In addition, the new rules eliminated the need for re-approval of manufacturing and import licenses, which are now valid unless suspended, terminated, or surrendered. An approved central licensing authority must license devices for manufacture, sale, or distribution. Hospitals are also seeking quality accreditations from agencies such as Joint Commission International (JCI), National Accreditation Board for Hospitals and Healthcare providers (NABH), and International Organization for Standardization (ISO). With the help of Shiprocket Cargo service one can ship hospital equipment and supplies smoothly and at an affordable price with on-time delivery.